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Rock Against Romance
Saturday, 13 May 2006
"Trust Me"
Mood:  rushed
Topic: Politics
Reposting this from my MySpace blog. Try to hang with me - I do still plan to get this site going again eventually.

So, President Bush says "We are not trolling through the personal lives of millions of innocent Americans". In the tradition of President Clinton's difficulty with the word "is", Bush must be referring to literal "trolling" with a boat, fishing rod and reel because trolling is one of the nicest descriptions I can think of for maintaining a massive database of every phone call made by every American. No, Mr. President, you do not get brownie points for not recording every single conversation. I would add that at this point, we have no idea how many conversations ARE being recorded without a warrant.

This issue goes far beyond whether or not you trust the current administration. Setting this sort of precedent lays the groundwork for the possibility of more sinister abuses by future administrations - administrations which could just as easily be left-wing as right-wing. Throwing away our Constitution and the principles on which this country founded is not the way to save it. You can't "save" something by destroying it.

It's time for all of us in all sections of the political spectrum who believe in liberty and the rule of law to stand up to this administration and say ENOUGH. The dangers of 1984 will always be with us, even though the year is long past. Complacency in the face of this sort of abuse can bring down any nation.

Posted by johnnylockheart at 12:28 PM CDT

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